For Bashers, By Bashers!
Carisma The Jeric Group iHobby

Carisma, Prime R/C, Tuning Haus, The Jeric Group at iHobby 2014

Carisma The Jeric Group iHobby
One of the many new exhibitors at iHobby was The Jeric Group. While Bill Jeric has been a force in the hobby for many years, this was the first time he had a booth to help promote the Carisma, Tuning Haus, and Prime R/C products that he distributes. Of special interest to us was the Carisma M10SC and Subaru rally car that The Jeric Group will soon start importing to the states (picture #1 in the gallery below). If they are like the other vehicles in the Carisma line-up they should make great bashers.

If you are a hobby shop wanting more information on The Jeric Group, hit up their Official Website. For you consumers, please check out the official Carisma Website.

Want to see more booths from the show? Click Here for full iHobby coverage on BigSquidRC.

Post Info

Posted by in Carisma, iHobby on Monday, October 6th, 2014 at 3:25 pm

