For Bashers, By Bashers!

RC Around The Web – Quick And Dirty Edition

Pic of the Week:
giant scale rc plane
This week, with the 5th Scale Power Jam happening, I was in a bit of a giant scale rc mood, and that picture is just insane. I have been to a few 1/4 scale rc plane events, and they are a blast to watch, but it’s like flying a full size plane, from the ground! I used to fly planes a long time ago.. this one would make me cry.

Build log: 1/4 Scale Dragster Build

Videos and Pictures from the 5th Scale Power Jam event.

That’s it for this week, said it would be quick. 🙂

Follow Up: Several people sent in links to a video of the above giant B52 crashing and burning. Ouchie! Here’s a link to the YouTube b52 in action. Thanks to our buddy Bill for the first link!

Post Info

Posted by in R/C Around the Web on Sunday, June 6th, 2010 at 8:26 am

