For Bashers, By Bashers!
Sew Crazy RC

Spare Tire Covers from Sew Crazy RC

Sew Crazy RC
One of the coolest products we’ve seen lately for the scaler crowd is a Spare Tire Cover from the crew over at Sew Crazy RC. You see cool spare tire covers on full size rigs all the time, now Sew Crazy RC can help take your scaler to the next level of realism. Made from heavy marine grade vinyl, the Sew Crazy RC tire cover is easy to clean and water resistant. The unit shown above is for a standard 1.9 tire, but they are available for other sizes and in many different colors.

The price for the Sew Crazy RC spare tire cover is only $10 and you can get more information at This Link.

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Posted by in miscellaneous, New Products on Tuesday, October 8th, 2013 at 4:54 pm

