For Bashers, By Bashers!

Axialfest 2020 Banner Signing and Night Crawl Start Video

As people filed in for the awards ceremony at Axialfest 2020, they were invited to sign a large Axialfest banner, and we had our camera ready to capture the action. It turned out pretty good so we thought we’d post it up. We also caught the beginning of the night crawl event as everyone ventured off into the woods!

Hope you enjoy this quick video, please make sure to subscribe and hit the notification bell so you can be informed of when we post a new video. HINT: you may want to do that because we have a cool little giveaway coming up!

To get more details on Axialfest Badlands simply click the link, or you can Click Right Here to read more Axialfest news on BigSquidRC.

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Posted by in video on Friday, July 24th, 2020 at 9:50 am

