For Bashers, By Bashers!

Everybody’s Scalin’ – Flexing that SCX10

Last year I wrote a piece lampooning the seemingly instinctive need many scalers have, particularly noobs, for crazy amounts of suspension flex. I was then taken to task via e-mail (rightfully, I might add) for not really explaining what exactly the ideal amount is. Fret not, as this week I shall atone for this past grievence. While I’m focusing on the Axial SCX10, given it’s status as most popular truck, most of this applies to other rigs of similar size and setup.

I’d shoot for approximately “one tire height” as a decent rule of thumb. Anything more than that and you are going to have a vehicle that is unstable on the rocks. So yes, your average SCX10 is pretty much good to go right out of the box. A couple of simple mods will make it even better.

Take off the shock bump stops! If you have a RTR, just take a hobby knife and cut them off. If you have a kit, simply skip the step and don’t put them on. You should now have a little bit more travel to work with.

Some SCX10’s come with a 4 link setup in the rear, and a 3 link up front. If yours is like this, you’ll want to swap out that front 3 link (and top Y bar) with a 4 link setup. To do this you’ll need two top links, a 4 link truss (here’s the parts tree), and an M3x30 screw with locknut. Oh, and make sure you have the link eyelets. You basically copy the rear link setup, albeit you will have the servo mount plate on top. After you get it installed you should now have a front end with that sweet, sweet 4 link articulation.

Lastly, you’ll want to make sure the shocks are working fine without giving too much resistance. If you aren’t happy with their action then you can do a myriad of things to improve them: swap out your pistons, go to a lighter oil, replace the o-rings….or you could splurge on a set of trick looking, buttery smooth RC4WD King Shocks (90 or 100mm depending on preference).

That’s really all you need to have a truck that works great. Having 3-4 inches of smooth travel with a stable vehicle beats the pants off having a wobbly ride with 8 inches that is only good for flex shots.

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Post Info

Posted by in Everybody's Scalin', scale rc on Friday, August 7th, 2015 at 3:50 pm

