For Bashers, By Bashers!

Search Results for "Parma "

Everybody’s Scalin’ – That Thing Got A Hemi?

Just a few years ago it was really unique to be able to purchase a scale Hi-Lift Jack. Nowadays anything you can purchase for a 1:1 rig you can find in 1/10 form with relative ease. I mean come on, you can get a freakin’ beer keg and set of Red Solo Cups! Yep, scale accessories are all the rage. While these super specific items may [...]


ASK Cubby

ASK Cubby- Here Comes The Questions, There I Go Out The Door

“iHobby 2016….train edition? Cubby, What was the deal with iHobby this year? Kudos to Horizon for coming out, but literally everyone else but parma was a no show, including you guys. What gives? I had a few trucks in my car waiting to see if there was a place to run, but nothing. I was so excited to see all kinds of new stuff, [...]


Everybody's Scalin' - The Relationship Between 1:1 and R/C M…

Last weekend was a big one in the world of scale monster trucks as the 4 Link Nationals took place in Circleville, OH. Sporting a massive turnout of trucks, drivers, and manufacturer support (Axial, Pro-Line, Tamiya, Parma, Spektrum, RC4WD, Castle, and JConcepts), the solid axle monster truck scene is as healthy as it has ever been. But I’m not here to talk about the event as, [...]


Tamiya Suzuki Jimny JB23 MF-01X

Tamiya Suzuki Jimny JB23 MF-01X

You probably didn’t know this, but our own “Adam The Intern” is a big Suzuki off road freak. He loves to get his own full size Suzuki dirty on the weekends (and blow them up once in a while too). In fact he likes them so much that every time we see the Pro-Line or Parma guys, he begs them [...]


WAR-PEDE! Halo Meets Traxxas

This is a custom build I did using a McFarlane Halo Warthog, Jorge is at the helm with a Spartan JFO manning the Rocket Launcher. Who doesn’t want a RC Warthog? Beneath the top you have a 2WD Stampede VXL chassis. Some aluminum angle was used to make custom mounts to mate the body to the stock shock towers. Since I had [...]


Cubbys harem

THE Cub Report, 09.29.2014, Version- iHobby 2014 or Bust

Yes, the BSRC Bash Crew gets really slammed the weekend before the iHobby Expo, so I’ll keep it short this weekend (read- I always say that, and it never happens… LOL). Here are the best reasons to attend iHobby this weekend in Schaumburg Illinois. 1. We’ll be world premiering a HUGE new release in our booth on Thursday at 11 am CST. [...]


Unboxing Axial SCX10 Jeep Wrangler Recon G6

Unboxing – Axial SCX10 Jeep Wrangler Recon G6

What does it look like to crack the box open on the brand new Axial SCX10 Jeep Wrangler Recon G6? Here ya go, it looks pretty cool. The latest SCX10 from Axial comes with loads of scale detailing in the spirit of the ultra tough Recon G6 series. As you can see from the pictures, the Axial Recon G6 is a [...]


iHobby Winner Duratrax 835E

Product Winners – iHobby 2013

Pictured above and below are some very stoked winners of product we gave out during our daily rc demos at the iHobby Expo. The fine folks over at Duratrax, Viper, ARRMA, Thunder Tiger, and Parma donated some of their latest goodies to hook up some of the fans in the crowd. Our Bash Crew would hit the track and go [...]


RC Monster Truck

THE Cub Report, 09.29.2013, Version- Even if you don't like …

Wow, I just got done watching the Motocross of Nations from Germany and I gotta say I was left with a very sour taste in my mouth. No, America once again didn’t really send their “A-Team”, but even still, we should have won. It was disappointing to watch ET throw away (literally) a top 2 finish in the first moto, [...]


Cubby in Asian food market

THE Cub Report, 11.12.2012, Version- Rogue Wave Of Happiness

Hello fellow rc’ers, happy Monday and welcome to yet another succulent edition of the webs most talked about rc column, THE Cub Report. There was no Supercross or Formula 1 over the weekend, ugghhhh, I hate no race weekends. But… the USGP in Austin Texas is just a few scant days away, it’ll be nice to get out of Dodge and [...]


THE Cub Report, 09.30.2012, Version: Corry Weller- Best Reas…

Good morning gang, welcome to yet another Cub Report, hopefully none of you are suffering from a bad case of the Monday’s. First off, congrats to Team Germany for pwn’ing the world at MXoN over the weekend. K-Roc and crew put in some stellar rides to cinch Germany’s first MX of Nations win, they deserve loads of props. Team America [...]


THE Cub Report, 05.28.2012, Version- Another Week In My Scha…

If you are a James “Bubba” Stewart fan (like Brian is), you’ll be stoked to know that Bubba is 4 for 4 racing the outdoor nationals on his new Suzuki 450 this summer. Bubba was looking all washed up after a dismal supercross season, but after the switch over to the yellow thumper he is an example of classic [...]


THE Cub Report, Your Week In RC- 11.08.09 – Part 2 of 2

Hey all, this is part two of the bigger than usual Cub Report, since the last one was a good chunk with all the iHobby talk, this part is a little different subject matter, but still stuff I wanted to talk about, it was just too much for one report. Wow, I mean Seriously Wow! I don’t know who the [...]


iHobby Expo Pictures – Part 5

Are we on part 5? It’s all a blur at this point.. with doubling our booth size, answering all the questions, and trying to talk to all the trade show people.. I don’t even know what day it is on the 3 hours of sleep we are getting. Remind me to punch Cubby.. about 20 people wanted his head [...]


RC Links

RC Links Cool places, RC vehicles, and stuff we love! Want a link here? Think your site is worthy of a trade? Send a email to Brian(at thingy) (We take no responsibility for what you find on these or other pages linked here!) Really need a better layout for all these…Manufacturers and PartsBest RC O.S. Engines, Durtrax, Futaba, and more! They have it all!! [...]

