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Spektrum DX6 Rugged Video

Video – Spektrum DX6 Rugged

The good folks over at Spektrum have released a promotional video for their DX6 Rugged. The Rugged series of radios from Spektrum were designed for serious adventure driving. Built with the extra durability needed when hardcore off-roading, the DX6 Rugged is the perfect upgrade for your scale crawler. Watch the video below to learn about some of the highlights of [...]


Spektrum RC DX6 Rugged Transmitter

Spektrum Announces the DX6 Rugged

New from Spektrum is the DX6 Rugged Transmitter. As the original DX5 Rugged is one of our all time favorite bashing radios, we are stoked to see the new Rugged version of the DX6. Now will 6 channels of operation, and all the goodness of its “rugged” design, the new DX6 Rugged is more than ready for hardcore crawling or [...]

