For Bashers, By Bashers!

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LX Shocks RC 10th Scale FJ40 Simulation Crawling Kit

LX Shocks Drops Outrageous 1/10 FJ40 Simulation Crawling Kit…

Just how hardcore of a scale crawler fanatic are you? The folks at LX Shocks have just gone wayyyyy over-the-top with their new FJ40 RC Rock Crawler Kit. If you like trick hand-made parts, the new FJ40 is for you. * Purely hand made * 1/10th scaled * Wheelbase – 275mm * Made to spec when ordered * Roughly 2 month turnaround time * Engine [...]


LX Shocks Scale Bypass Shocks 7th Scale Traxxas UDR

LX Shocks Announces New Scale Bypass Shocks for the Traxxas …

Are these the best rc shocks that money can buy? We’ve yet to try a set, but LX Shocks is making some big waves with their new Scale Bypass Shocks for the Traxxas UDR. These 1/7th scaled monsters are not only some of the most scale looking shocks on the market, but are also highly adjustable so that they work [...]

