For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Everybody’s Scalin’ G6 Event

Last Sunday I attended a G6 event that the Martucky Rc crew put on in Marseilles Illinois. I have done competitions before but I have to say, G6 comps are my favorite. Unlike regular crawler comps, a G6 is more spread out, more like a trail run. The boys from the Martucky crew did a fantastic job setting up the [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’- Lights, Camera, Action!

Anytime I do research on buying a new rig I always go to YouTube and watch some videos of them in action. Pictures are great and all but to get a true sense of how the vehicle will actually handle you have to see a video. Not to mention, it’s a great bathroom past time. When I am filming for [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ Spotlight “beetle”

I always like to see when people mirror their 1:10 vehicles to look like their 1.1 vehicles. This Everybody’s Scalin’ Spotlight is all about that. Straight out of Plano Texas, Lane Muropa has achieved the scale mirror trick with his Volkswagen Beetle. Whenever I see an old Beetle or Punch Buggie I always think of Herbie the Love Bug. But [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ Hauling Scale

Last Friday night I was doing some window shopping on Facebook marketplace; I have a tendency to do this a lot. Even when I’m not in the market for a new vehicle I still like seeing what’s out there for sale. Five minutes into my search I found a Tamiya Globeliner for a very reasonable price. I have always thought [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ Mud Bog!

I think it’s safe to say that all of us have that little kid inside of us. Being dialed into your inner child and this hobby go hand-in-hand; playing in the mud is no different. Yes, it is extremely messy, but the joy you get out of it is well worth it. If you have never been to a Mud [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ Battle Damage!

A beat-up truck with dents and rust will actually turn my head faster than seeing a pristine shelf Queen. One of my favorite Hot Wheels as a kid was the police car that when you ran something into the car the door would flip over and show a dented panel. Even the old crash test dummy car, you would run [...]


Accessory Review- RC4WD Bendpak XPR-9S Two-Post Auto Lift

RC4WD is wants to make your scale garage even better with the release of the officially licensed Bendpak XPR-9S two-post auto lift. Does it up the scale garage game? How much does this thing lift? Our review will cover all of these answers, and offer a few surprises so keep reading to get our thoughts. From: RC4WD Direct link: RC4WD [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ Group Therapy

Joining a RC club can make your RC experience 100 times better. Just like anything, when you get together with a group of people who all share common interest it’s a lot of fun. Try talking to your non-RC friends about the new tires or servo that are coming out and I’m pretty sure you’ll just get a blank stare. [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ Spotlight Jeep Rod

A few weeks ago I mentioned doing a fan spotlight. Once a month or so I will pick someone who has scale or custom build. The amount of fabricating and out of the box thinking that goes into any custom build is amazing. A lot of trial and error, but the end result is worth it. Eli Saa and his [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ RC4WD saves the day!

For a lot longer than I would like to admit I have been getting frustrated trying to mount my Pro-Line Racing BF Goodrich all-terrain KO2 tires on a set of RC4WD 1.9 wagon wheels. I finally found out I needed the inner beadlock rings from RC4WD to work with Pro-Line tires; which I will be renaming lifesavers! I learned a [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ Accessorize!

Whether you’re looking for items for your scale rig or your scale garage, accessories play a huge role in the scalin world. So where can someone find all these awesome little accessories? As most of us know RC4WD and Pro Line have a pretty good selection of scale accessories but sometimes that’s not enough. For a while I was a [...]



A lot of work went into opening day; three months of planning and a month of backbreaking labor. Every rock, scale building, and obstacles carefully placed. To be honest, at one point I started having doubts. I started asking myself did I take on too much, am I going to be able to accomplish the goals I had set for [...]



  There’s something satisfying about breathing new life into a RC vehicle that hasn’t been used in a while. I was able to get my hands on the RC four-wheel-drive Gelande 2 that Cubby reviewed.  Within 10 minutes of running this truck it’s become my favorite vehicle. The scale details on the vehicle are outstanding; from a full interior to even [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ – Scale To The Future

  The scale world is booming right now. It’s true everybody is scalin! Body options are a lot more prevalent than in the past. Pro-Line is killing it right now with the 1946 Dodge Power Wagon they released over the winter. With the slight re-release of the Power Wagon it gives me hope for a new version of the Ram Charger [...]



A Picture is worth 1000 words. One thing most of us scale guys love to do is take pictures of our toys. Whether it’s a banner contest, Wheels up Wednesday, or Flexin’ Friday; having a great scale picture can leave a lasting impression.    Anyone can just take a picture of a RC car. For some of us getting the perfect [...]

