For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Everybody’s Scalin’ – Heavy Metal

Aluminum parts can add durability and bling to your crawler but they can run up your parts bill fast. Nowadays you can build popular trucks like the Axial SCX10 entirely out of aluminum/steel should you so choose, so suffice it to say there are a lot of options out there. Today I’m going to discuss what I think you should be [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ – Ranger Always Wins Redux

I’m getting close to two years here at Big Squid, and in that time nothing I’ve written has drawn out the gaggle of responses like my column last week discussing the perils of staying in good standing with your local park. Thank you to those who sent in questions, comments, and stories detailing your experiences fighting the good fight. I apparently touched [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ – The Ranger Always Wins

If you’re into scaling odds are you’ve spent time at the local park hitting up the trails. There is also a good chance that you’ve met the local park ranger. Ah yes, the Park Ranger – Judge, Jury, and Executioner. Much like your significant other, if they ain’t happy then no one is happy (on the trail, that is). See, at most [...]


Review - Axial SCX10 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited C/R Edition RT…

Scale 4×4’s are white hot right now, and one of the trucks leading the charge is the Axial SCX10. The latest version to come down the pike is the sweet looking Casey Currie themed Jeep Wrangler Unlimited C/R Edition. Is this RTR JK worth your hard earned duckets? Click the “Read More” to find out.


Everybody's Scalin' For the Weekend - RC4WD Gelande 2 Impres…

I had been eying one of RC4WD‘s uber scale kits for quite some time so a few weeks ago I finally took the plunge on a Gelande 2. I’ve now had the time to give it a proper beating and see what it’s really made of. Is the beauty merely skin deep? Click “Read More” below to find out what [...]

