For Bashers, By Bashers!

Traxxas TRX-4 Sport Video – Juicebox Park Fun!

A while back we did the review of the Traxxas TRX-4 Sport, and we shot a bunch of footage during the testing process. Most of the video is shot at Jeremy’s Juicebox Park. If you have been on the fence about picking up the Sport, maybe this video will help convince you. Enjoy the video, don’t forget to hit the like button, subscribe button, that notification bell, and anything else the kids are doing these days! 😉

Need more info? Go read the full review at this link. For more details on the TRX-4 Sport, hit the main Traxxas Sport Webpage.

Post Info

Posted by in video on Monday, August 13th, 2018 at 9:38 pm

